Дата публикации: 29.08.2018

Each person has his own view of the existence of fate and his own destiny. Some believe that the life path is inscribed by someone from above, others think of themselves as the creators of their destinies, others believe in the case and coincidence of circumstances ... However, it is unlikely that there will be a person in the world who has never thought about what life path to choose, and did not doubt about made choice.

You can not believe in the existence of higher forces and in the signs that they give, but not to listen to your body - is a big mistake. After all, it gives us eloquent signals that something goes wrong in life. It is important to notice in time small problems that at first seem insignificant, annoying misunderstandings. They are the first "bells" that the choice of the life path was made incorrectly.

Everyone thought about the choice of life path, photo WEB

If you are late always and everywhere, do not blame yourself for being uncorrupted. Most often, the reason for being late is the unwillingness and lack of interest to be in the appointed place on time. If you do not get enough sleep regularly, do not complain about chronic fatigue. Even after 12 hours of sleep go to the least favorite job, it's not any easier.

If it seems to you that minor problems and troubles haunt you everywhere, do not think about karma. A happy man will not be upset by the torn off heel, but the unfortunate man will lose his temper for the whole day. Infinite colds and chronic illnesses also arise not on an equal footing. There is nothing to dream about strong immunity, when anxieties, dissatisfaction, stresses and depression lurk in the backyard of consciousness.

Sleep problems, anxiety, non-punctuality, nervousness, apathy, poor health - these "symptoms" make it clear that a person is walking on the wrong road, on which he is unable to open, to gain happiness and freedom. Everyone has a life. It is stupid to wait for miracles, watching as life passes by.

There are many symptoms that the life path is chosen incorrectly, photo WEB

It is important to try to take destiny into our own hands and build it for ourselves, without regard for public opinion and the expectations of others. We make a choice all the time, throughout life - choosing university, profession, spouse, hobby ... How not to be mistaken? How to find your way of life, manage to be realized and be happy?

First of all, it is necessary to set life priorities. Someone wants to make a dizzying career, and someone sees himself as a happy homebody, the keeper of the home. Everyone is unique and finds happiness in that another will seem boring or, on the contrary, crazy. Perhaps, it is worth closing your eyes and ears to abandon the advice of loved ones, because we so often choose only not to offend someone, to justify the hopes of the parents or giving way to spouse.

The Eisenhower Matrix, the balance of the important and urgent, photo WEB

Make decisions to which your soul lies. Do not think what will happen next - this is the biggest brake in any endeavors. Whichever way you go, there will always be like-minded people, friends and the person who will not cut your personality under him.

Painfully reflecting on how to choose the right way of life, do not be afraid of difficulties, do not let them stop you. If the next step does not threaten to lose your head, do it! Allow yourself the right to make a mistake, do not be afraid to stumble, because without trying, you can not understand, "your's" it is or not. An incorrect decision is not a failure, but a victory. Excluding the wrong options, you become closer to the right answer.

Do not be afraid of difficulties, and then everything will be be allright, photo WEB

You can change your life at any time, but it's very sad if it happens in 70 years. The main thing is not to lie to yourself. Life is flowing, priorities are changing, and the road along which the person moves is winding. And this is normal.

Choosing the right way of life, perhaps, the main thing that everyone should do is to become happy. The rich man suddenly finds his destination, becoming a volunteer in Africa, and a man who grew up in parental love will suddenly be happy, making a career and never having a family. The call of the third is to lie on the couch, and this is also the life path. Your life is your choice. Listen to yourself, do not listen to others and do not stop searching until you reach complete harmony with your inner self.

Victoria Romanova, Russia, Moscow

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Color psychology

The influence of interior color on the psyche: decorating a healthy home


Family traditions

Follow traditions - for good or bad?


A father on maternity leave

Law and family aspects of a child rearing leave for men

Дата публикации: 29.08.2018

Each person has his own view of the existence of fate and his own destiny. Some believe that the life path is inscribed by someone from above, others think of themselves as the creators of their destinies, others believe in the case and coincidence of circumstances ... However, it is unlikely that there will be a person in the world who has never thought about what life path to choose, and did not doubt about made choice.

You can not believe in the existence of higher forces and in the signs that they give, but not to listen to your body - is a big mistake. After all, it gives us eloquent signals that something goes wrong in life. It is important to notice in time small problems that at first seem insignificant, annoying misunderstandings. They are the first "bells" that the choice of the life path was made incorrectly.

Everyone thought about the choice of life path, photo WEB

If you are late always and everywhere, do not blame yourself for being uncorrupted. Most often, the reason for being late is the unwillingness and lack of interest to be in the appointed place on time. If you do not get enough sleep regularly, do not complain about chronic fatigue. Even after 12 hours of sleep go to the least favorite job, it's not any easier.

If it seems to you that minor problems and troubles haunt you everywhere, do not think about karma. A happy man will not be upset by the torn off heel, but the unfortunate man will lose his temper for the whole day. Infinite colds and chronic illnesses also arise not on an equal footing. There is nothing to dream about strong immunity, when anxieties, dissatisfaction, stresses and depression lurk in the backyard of consciousness.

Sleep problems, anxiety, non-punctuality, nervousness, apathy, poor health - these "symptoms" make it clear that a person is walking on the wrong road, on which he is unable to open, to gain happiness and freedom. Everyone has a life. It is stupid to wait for miracles, watching as life passes by.

There are many symptoms that the life path is chosen incorrectly, photo WEB

It is important to try to take destiny into our own hands and build it for ourselves, without regard for public opinion and the expectations of others. We make a choice all the time, throughout life - choosing university, profession, spouse, hobby ... How not to be mistaken? How to find your way of life, manage to be realized and be happy?

First of all, it is necessary to set life priorities. Someone wants to make a dizzying career, and someone sees himself as a happy homebody, the keeper of the home. Everyone is unique and finds happiness in that another will seem boring or, on the contrary, crazy. Perhaps, it is worth closing your eyes and ears to abandon the advice of loved ones, because we so often choose only not to offend someone, to justify the hopes of the parents or giving way to spouse.

The Eisenhower Matrix, the balance of the important and urgent, photo WEB

Make decisions to which your soul lies. Do not think what will happen next - this is the biggest brake in any endeavors. Whichever way you go, there will always be like-minded people, friends and the person who will not cut your personality under him.

Painfully reflecting on how to choose the right way of life, do not be afraid of difficulties, do not let them stop you. If the next step does not threaten to lose your head, do it! Allow yourself the right to make a mistake, do not be afraid to stumble, because without trying, you can not understand, "your's" it is or not. An incorrect decision is not a failure, but a victory. Excluding the wrong options, you become closer to the right answer.

Do not be afraid of difficulties, and then everything will be be allright, photo WEB

You can change your life at any time, but it's very sad if it happens in 70 years. The main thing is not to lie to yourself. Life is flowing, priorities are changing, and the road along which the person moves is winding. And this is normal.

Choosing the right way of life, perhaps, the main thing that everyone should do is to become happy. The rich man suddenly finds his destination, becoming a volunteer in Africa, and a man who grew up in parental love will suddenly be happy, making a career and never having a family. The call of the third is to lie on the couch, and this is also the life path. Your life is your choice. Listen to yourself, do not listen to others and do not stop searching until you reach complete harmony with your inner self.

Victoria Romanova, Russia, Moscow

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Color psychology

The influence of interior color on the psyche: decorating a healthy home


Family traditions

Follow traditions - for good or bad?


A father on maternity leave

Law and family aspects of a child rearing leave for men

Дата публикации: 29.08.2018

Each person has his own view of the existence of fate and his own destiny. Some believe that the life path is inscribed by someone from above, others think of themselves as the creators of their destinies, others believe in the case and coincidence of circumstances ... However, it is unlikely that there will be a person in the world who has never thought about what life path to choose, and did not doubt about made choice.

You can not believe in the existence of higher forces and in the signs that they give, but not to listen to your body - is a big mistake. After all, it gives us eloquent signals that something goes wrong in life. It is important to notice in time small problems that at first seem insignificant, annoying misunderstandings. They are the first "bells" that the choice of the life path was made incorrectly.

Everyone thought about the choice of life path, photo WEB

If you are late always and everywhere, do not blame yourself for being uncorrupted. Most often, the reason for being late is the unwillingness and lack of interest to be in the appointed place on time. If you do not get enough sleep regularly, do not complain about chronic fatigue. Even after 12 hours of sleep go to the least favorite job, it's not any easier.

If it seems to you that minor problems and troubles haunt you everywhere, do not think about karma. A happy man will not be upset by the torn off heel, but the unfortunate man will lose his temper for the whole day. Infinite colds and chronic illnesses also arise not on an equal footing. There is nothing to dream about strong immunity, when anxieties, dissatisfaction, stresses and depression lurk in the backyard of consciousness.

Sleep problems, anxiety, non-punctuality, nervousness, apathy, poor health - these "symptoms" make it clear that a person is walking on the wrong road, on which he is unable to open, to gain happiness and freedom. Everyone has a life. It is stupid to wait for miracles, watching as life passes by.

There are many symptoms that the life path is chosen incorrectly, photo WEB

It is important to try to take destiny into our own hands and build it for ourselves, without regard for public opinion and the expectations of others. We make a choice all the time, throughout life - choosing university, profession, spouse, hobby ... How not to be mistaken? How to find your way of life, manage to be realized and be happy?

First of all, it is necessary to set life priorities. Someone wants to make a dizzying career, and someone sees himself as a happy homebody, the keeper of the home. Everyone is unique and finds happiness in that another will seem boring or, on the contrary, crazy. Perhaps, it is worth closing your eyes and ears to abandon the advice of loved ones, because we so often choose only not to offend someone, to justify the hopes of the parents or giving way to spouse.

The Eisenhower Matrix, the balance of the important and urgent, photo WEB

Make decisions to which your soul lies. Do not think what will happen next - this is the biggest brake in any endeavors. Whichever way you go, there will always be like-minded people, friends and the person who will not cut your personality under him.

Painfully reflecting on how to choose the right way of life, do not be afraid of difficulties, do not let them stop you. If the next step does not threaten to lose your head, do it! Allow yourself the right to make a mistake, do not be afraid to stumble, because without trying, you can not understand, "your's" it is or not. An incorrect decision is not a failure, but a victory. Excluding the wrong options, you become closer to the right answer.

Do not be afraid of difficulties, and then everything will be be allright, photo WEB

You can change your life at any time, but it's very sad if it happens in 70 years. The main thing is not to lie to yourself. Life is flowing, priorities are changing, and the road along which the person moves is winding. And this is normal.

Choosing the right way of life, perhaps, the main thing that everyone should do is to become happy. The rich man suddenly finds his destination, becoming a volunteer in Africa, and a man who grew up in parental love will suddenly be happy, making a career and never having a family. The call of the third is to lie on the couch, and this is also the life path. Your life is your choice. Listen to yourself, do not listen to others and do not stop searching until you reach complete harmony with your inner self.

Victoria Romanova, Russia, Moscow

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Color psychology

The influence of interior color on the psyche: decorating a healthy home


Family traditions

Follow traditions - for good or bad?


A father on maternity leave

Law and family aspects of a child rearing leave for men